» 2016 Ewha International Co-ed Summer College (1366 Views)

The online registration for 2016 Ewha International Co-ed Summer College is open, NOW! Go ahead and apply today and get your spots saved for the courses of your interest and for your on-campus housing. You can choose either Session I or Session II, or take BOTH!! 

Session I: June 21 - July 20, 2016
Session II: August 5 - 19, 2016


Session I

Session II

21 June – 20 July (4 weeks)

5 Aug – 19 Aug (2 weeks)




Content of the Program

Choose 2 courses + Friday fieldtrips

Pre-designed “Introductory Korean Studies”


9:00-11:30 AND

12:30-3:00 OR

2:00-5:00 (Korean Language)

4 Friday fieldtrips + 1 weekend fieldtrip


9:00-12:00 Korean Language

13:30 – 15:00 Special Lectures on Korea

15:30 – 18:00 Fieldtrips relevant to lectures

2 days and 1 night weekend Get away to Andong City

Application Fee

100,000 KRW

100,000 KRW


3,100,000 KRW

1,800,000 KRW

Housing Fee (TBD)


Around 700,000 KRW

Around 500,000 KRW



Around 900,000 KRW

Around 700,000 KRW


1. Early Bird:

20% off tuition fee for Session I / 10% off tuition fee for Session II

2. Group 10:

10% off tuition fee, if 10+ students from one institute register


A total of 6 credits (3 credits/course) in letter grade

3 credit in p/F

Deadline for Application

13 May 2016 (Fri)

1 July 2016 (Fri)

·   Early Bird: 25 Mar 2016 (Fri)

·   Early Bird: 20 May 2016 (Fri)

Required Documents

·   Face Picture

·   Copy of Passport (Bio-page)

·   Copy of Traveler’s Insurance

·   Copy of College Transcript of Proof of Enrollment



should you have any questions, feel free to drop us an e-mail at gosummer@ewha.ac.kr  
For more information please visit http://summer.ewha.ac.kr/?ckattempt=1 

Poster : | 25 ธันวาคม 58 10:25:16